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- Опубликовано: 08.05.2023 15:35
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- Просмотров: 2752
Volume 14.1 (2-1), May 2023, Pages 24-31
Vahid Hajiyev1, Huseyn Shukurov2
1Head of "Neftgazmash" OJSC Vahid Hajiyev, Doctor of technical sciences, Azerbaijan. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
2Magistr, "Industrial machinery" Department, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
The purpose of the work: to improve the labyrinth compressors to increase the productivity, increase the resistance to corrosion, thereby increasing the stability index of the compressor compressor node, and reducing the compressor interstage pressure to atmospheric pressure, in order to reduce the pressure acting on the compressor. Object of the work: Improvement of piston compressor connectors.
For this, let's examine the use of different types of compressors in a piston compressor:
One of the most common problems in production is the problem of malfunctioning of piston compressors. This affects the productivity of the compressor. In order to increase the productivity of piston compressors, different types of compressors are used: rubber compressors, cuff, graphite, face compressors.
To overcome this problem, it is appropriate to use a new type of labyrinth connectors. Thus, unlike ordinary graphite capacitors, labyrinth capacitors are distinguished by their long-term use, easier installation and, most importantly, more stability. Simple graphite-type coils cause some problems during installation. The main one is the problem of creating a complete mold. Labyrinth coils are easier to install than these coils and the mold is fully ensured. If there is any release during the process, as a result of the pressure difference between the labyrinths, the pressure of the product coming out of the last labyrinth is equal to atm pressure.
Taking into account the above, we see that the use of labyrinth clamps is suitable for increasing productivity during the operation of compressors, for eliminating out-of-order discharges and for solving the problems of fully ensuring the running time of the compressor.
Keywords: piston compressors, labyrinth sealers, graphite, rubber, cuff, surface sealers, productivity, seal knot.