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- Опубликовано: 18.09.2023 17:27
- Автор: Administrator
- Просмотров: 2619
Volume 15 (3), September 2023, Pages 04-10
Mammad Bagirzade
Azerbaijan State Scientific-Research Institute of Occupational Safety and Safety Techniques, director, Azerbijan. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
Azerbaijan State Scientific-Research Institute of Occupational Safety and safety (Azdemtteti) – as a research institute in the field has passed almost 100 years of evolution. This scientific institution, founded in 1928, initially began to function as the Baku Scientific Research Institute on safety equipment. At present, the institute has 9 departments and 6 Laboratories, a total of 211 employees. The scientific-research works carried out here, starting from the problems of ensuring security in the oil and gas sector, are carried out in a wide range of fields (chemical, machine-building, blasting operations, etc.).) is engaged in research and elimination of pressing problems such as labor protection and safety equipment. By the present time, the Institute has prepared and put into operation more than 650 technical normative documents.
58 types of training are regularly carried out at the Institute for the application of technical safety measures in production areas.
On the basis of the institute there is a training ground specially designed for conducting practical training. Here, the participants of the training were taught “safe performance of work at Height”, “first aid”, “cable car approach system”, “crane operators”, “elevator electromechanical”, “fork loader operator”, “Welder”, "safe installation and dismantling of the railing", etc. practical trainings are held in the fields. Azerbaijan State Research Institute of Occupational Health and Safety Engineering has been awarded with ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental Protection Management System and ISO 45001 Health Protection, Occupational Safety Management System certificates. And in 2022, the institute was accredited according to the AZS ISO-17020-2008 standard “general criterion for the operation of various types of inspection bodies”.
Keywords: labor protection, safety equipment, inspection, oil, gas, lifting mechanisms.