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- Опубликовано: 19.04.2023 17:44
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- Просмотров: 2925
Volume 14 (2), April 2023, Pages 180-187
Gunduz Abbasov1, Elmar Gafarov2
1Project engineer of AURORA LLC, master degree student of Azerbaijan State University of Oil Industry, Azerbaijan. Email: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
2Graduate student, department of “Oil-Mechanics”, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan.
The purpose of the article is to extend the operational life of piston pumps by making beneficial modifications to the suction and discharge valves. The most common cause of mud pump failures is the wears on the valves so there is an urgent need to increase the durability of the inlet and outlet valves.
This research will allow us to:
- lengthen the functional life of the suction and discharge valves.
- develop the mud pump's technical requirements.
- enhance the drilling pump's economic effectiveness.
Thus, it makes sense to do study on piston mud pump valves in order to improve the technical parameters by making some positive adjustments. A moved forward valve situates which essentially diminishes the affect stretch caused by the effect of a piston pump valve body contrary the valve situates. The valve situate comprises a by and large round and hollow body parcel portion parcel with a fixing surface which is slanted from the external surface of the round and hollow body parcel toward an insides throat of said round and hollow body parcel. The valve body comprises a for the most part disc-shaped parcel and a truncated funnel shaped parcel. An elastomer embed is gotten in a groove within the valve body. The cone shaped parcel of the valve comprises an inclined confront, counting a metal parcel and an elastomeric parcel shaped by the elastomeric embed. Within the valve situate of the present innovation, an annular weight alleviation groove within the round and hollow body parcel of the valve situate permits the inclined confront of the valve situate to flex subsequently calming a noteworthy sum of the affect stack between the restricting confront of the valve gathering.
Keywords: suction valve, discharge valve, valve wears, valve seat, poppet valve, piston mud pumps.