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- Опубликовано: 18.04.2023 18:52
- Автор: Administrator
- Просмотров: 3063
Volume 14 (2), April 2023, Pages 47-52
Elshan Jafarov1, Lala Aliyeva2
1Chief mechanic, “Turan Drilling & Engineering”. Department of Materials Science and Processing Technologies, Faculty of Petroleum Mechanics, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan. E-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
2Training master, department of “Industrial Machines”, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan.
Continuous casting is essentially the youngest and most dynamically developing technology in the steel production and casting system as an industrial method of shaped casting process. At present, continuous casting of steel is adopted in more than 90 countries of the world. About 2,000 continuous casting machines (CCMs) of different purposes and designs are now in good operation, which allow casting about 93% of all steel produced in the world. At this time, steel bars with the following maximum cross-sections are produced in the industry: blue 600×670mm, slab 250×3200mm and circular bars with a diameter of 600mm. In many developed countries of the world, almost 95-100% of steel production is produced by continuous casting. is being for example, in 2018, 1.228 billion tons of steel were produced by continuous casting in the world, which is a record in the history of metal production. as a result of experimental studies, proposals were developed for the application of important technologies in the development of non-furnace processing of liquid metal and continuous casting in the Republic.
Keywords: Steel making, permanent casting devices, construction, vacuuming, liquid metal, intermediate heat, temperature, impact viscosity, electrometallurgy.