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- Опубликовано: 12.02.2023 18:16
- Автор: Administrator
- Просмотров: 2810
Volume 13 (1), February 2023, Pages 83-91
Tamilla Khankishiyeva1, Vuqar Ashiraliyev2
1Assistant, "Industrial machinery" Department, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Candidate of technical sciences, Azerbaijan. Email id: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
2Magistr, "Industrial machinery" Department, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan. Email id: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
The purpose of the work: modernization of the valve, in order to increase reliability, wear resistance, increase the pump flow and reduce the load on the rod string. As well as improved durability. Object of work: Rod pump valve.
Realization of the goal is achieved by performing the following tasks:
- Overview of known designs of the valve assembly of a sucker rod pump;
- Identification of a number of causes of valve failure, as well as its causes of wear;
- Calculation of the main parameters of the pump;
- Overview of the design of a sucker rod pump, to understand the problem;
- Development of measures for the maintenance and repair of the pump.
In the course of the WRC, a review and analysis of information on the designs of the valve assembly of a borehole rod pump was carried out. The problem of its wear has been studied. The problem of valve design is formulated and solved.
At the moment, sucker rod pumps (SRP) and electric submersible pumps (ESPs) are used. Since the ESP has much higher production capabilities compared to the rod, the main volume of oil in the country is produced using ESP units.
In view of the fact that the simplicity of the design of the SRPU is the most maintainable during practical operation, it is precisely such installations that are used at the moment. And also the positive aspects of the SRPU are the convenience of its adjustment, the small effect on the operation of the SRPU of the physical and chemical properties of the pumped liquid, the relatively high efficiency and the possibility of operating wells of small diameters, compared with other installations and methods of operation.
However, SRPU oil production is based on relatively old oil production technology and techniques, especially for downhole and downhole equipment and technological operations carried out using this equipment.
The development, manufacture and testing of new equipment is becoming especially relevant.
The purpose of my project is to increase the filling factor of a sucker rod pump, as well as to increase the reliability of its operation after repairs. An increase in the filling ratio of the SRP is achieved by upgrading the valve assembly, and an increase in reliability.
Keywords: sucker rod pump, valve part, abrasion, reliability, downhole pump, suction valve, discharge valve.