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- Category: Uncategorised
- Published: Wednesday, 24 June 2020 15:57
- Written by Administrator
- Hits: 2389
Z.E.Eyvazova, H.A.Huseynov
Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry
Annotation. Currently, in connection with the increasing role of sucker rod pump operation, the most relevant studies aimed at improving the operational performance of the balancer drives of the borehole sucker rod pump unit (BSRPU) as the most reliable and easy to manufacture and operate the drive. This paper discusses the research and development of balancing one-arm pumpjacks with a large angle of deaxial. In the asymmetric mode of pumping fluid from the well, due to the fact that the plunger moves down and up at different speeds, pumpjacks with a large deaxial angle (15° to 25°) can be used to produce highly viscous oil. The rationale for the further improvement of pumping units with an asymmetric mode of pumping high-viscosity oil from a well is given. The use of an asymmetric pumping mode with a coefficient of change of the average speed other than unity is a direction that is qualitatively different from traditional ways of increasing the efficiency of a borehole sucker rod pump installation. As a result of the studies, the design of a one-shoulder pumpjack with a large deaxial angle and a stand deflected with a jack (mechanical or hydraulic) was proposed, which allows the wellhead to be freed up for repair work in the well in cases where the design of the rotary head is impossible. An additional purpose of the jack is to use it as an additional support at the time of changing the stroke length of the rod suspension point, when, due to the need to disconnect the connecting rods from the cranks, the balancer loses stability. A computer simulation of the proposed design was carried out and design options were presented in the working position and in the position when the stand is rejected and the wellhead is freed up for free-wheeling of the tackle block for repair work.
Keywords: sucker rod pump drive, pumpjack, one-shoulder, angle of deaxial, assymetric pumping mode.